4th Annual Podcast Awards: The People’s Choice

The Fourth annual Podcast Awards will recognize the best podcasters in the world by allowing the people (Listeners and Podcasters) to nominate, and then vote for their favorite podcast.

This will culminate with awards and prizes being awarded during the 2008 Online Awards ceremony!.

The nomination submissions start Sept 15, 2008 followed by voting in early October the site will see over 300,000 hits per day based upon 2007 levels.

If you have a favorite podcast and would like to give them some props then head on over to http://podcastawards.com and nominate them for a People’s Choice award.  Even if they don’t win I am sure they would appreciate the nomination.

You only get to submit the form one time, so be sure to fill in all the nominations you would like to make.  Also, do not submit the same show for more than one category, unless it is for "People's Choice" or "Best Produced" and one other category.

There are several great technology podcast out there and let’s make sure they are represented well.

JetBrains releases ReSharper v4.1

If you are a ReSharper fan like I am you need to know that v4.1 has just be released.  This version has a huge list of improvements, the main one are support for VS 2008 SP1, Better ASP.NET support, Performance improvements, and a ton of stability improvements and bug-fixes.  Read the 4.1 release notes to see all the goodness in this release. If you are new to ReSharper check out the feature map to see what you are missing.

Generate your own RSS feed with WCF: Syndication

On a recent project I needed to expose some data via an RSS feed.  I came across Derik Whittaker’s blog post Generate your own RSS feed with Argotic.

Argotic Syndication Framework is a Microsoft .NET class library framework that enables developers to easily consume and/or generate syndicated content from within their own applications.  The Argotic Syndication Framework is very powerful and easy to use.

I didn’t go with the Argotic Syndication Framework for the project because I didn’t want to have yet another assembly in my project, maybe a lame reason but I found the solution I needed already existed in the .NET Framework with WCF: Syndication.  WCF: Syndication is a set of classes available in the .NET Framework that enables the creation and consumption of RSS feed in RSS and ATOM.

I thought it would be a good exercise for me to take Derik’s original article and show how you would accomplish the same thing using WCF: Syndication, so here goes.

In this post we will review the following steps needed to add a feed to your site. image

  1. Creating the xml (rss feed) document for publication
  2. Creating an access point for the feed
  3. Adding the feed to your site 

Creating the xml (rss feed) document for publication

Using the Syndication objects available in the .NET Framework is pretty easy.  The first thing we need to do is add a reference to the assembly that holds the classes we need to add a reference to the System.ServiceModel.Web.dll.

Once we have the reference to the assembly all we have to do is add a using statement and away we go.

 1: public SyndicationFeed GenerateRssFeed()
 2: {
 3:     var items = RssRepository.GetRssItems();
 4:     var syndicationItems = new List<SyndicationItem>();
 6:     var feed = new SyndicationFeed("Main RSS Feed for site", "Title", null);
 8:     foreach (var rssItem in items)
 9:     {
 10:         var newItem = new SyndicationItem
 11:                           {
 12:                               Title = new TextSyndicationContent(rssItem.Title),
 13:                               Content = new TextSyndicationContent(rssItem.Content),
 14:                               Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
 15:                           };
 17:         newItem.Links.Add(new SyndicationLink(rssItem.Link));
 18:         newItem.Authors.Add(new SyndicationPerson("author@example.com", "Author Name", "http://example.com"));
 20:         // Add the new syndication item to the generic list
 21:         syndicationItems.Add(newItem);
 22:     }
 24:     // add the SyndicationItems to the Syndication Items
 25:     feed.Items = syndicationItems;
 27:     // Return the Syndication feed
 28:     return feed;
 29: }


Creating an access point for the feed

Following along with the original post we now need to create an access point for users to be able to consume the feed.  Instead of using a static .xml document to expose the content lets look at how we can dynamically generate the feed.  The simplest way is to create an .aspx page and change the content type to “text/xml” and place the following code in the Page_Load event.

Another good idea is to add the OutputCache to the page.

 1: // Put this code here in your html part of the page. 
 2: // This will cache the output for a given number of seconds 
 3: <%@ OutputCache Duration="600" VaryByParam="none" %> 


Adding the feed to your site

In order to let the world know you have a feed, you need to expose it in your html documents.  One way to accomplish this is to add it to you master page, this will make it available on every page of the site.

After you have added the reference to your html page you should see the RSS feed icon on your URL bar in your browser.

 1: <link title="[Your title here]" 
 2:         href="http://www.yourdomain.com/[rssfilehere]" 
 3:         type="application/rss+xml"
 4:         rel="alternate">



First I would like to thank  Derik for his easy to follow post on using the Argotic Syndication Framework and I hope that you can also see how easy it is to also create Syndication feed using the new classes made available in WCF.

Download the full source SyndicationVsArgotic.zip (27.26 kb).

ASP.NET MVC CodePlex Preview 5


If you have been keeping your eyes on the ASP .NET MVC project you will be interested to know that Preview 5 has been released.

Here a few things from the release notes:

This ASP.NET MVC CodePlex Preview 5 is an interim release that contains some new features and some feature improvements for which the ASP.NET MVC team would like to receive feedback from the community. As always, feel free to provide feedback on the ASP.NET MVC forums.
Note: Before you run the ASP.NET MVC CodePlex Preview 5 installer, be sure to uninstall any earlier previews of ASP.NET MVC that you might have installed. In addition, close all instances of Visual Studio 2008.
The following issues are addressed in this release (see the Release Notes for more detail on any changes)

  • Html Helpers need to look into ModelState to get attempted value
  • Add a convenience overload for Html.ActionLink
  • Need friendly exception for UpdateModel type conversion errors.
  • UpdateModel needs to report a message when a property setter throws an exception

Pick up this release here http://www.codeplex.com/aspnet/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx

Tulsa TechFest October 9th and 10th 2008: Registration Open


Great news the new site for this years Tulsa TechFest is up and registration is open!

What is the Tulsa TechFest? 

The Tulsa TechFest is a technical conference with currently the broadest topics in the United States, maybe the world. Covering everything enterprise architecture, software/web development, databases, project management, data security and this year for the first time - graphic/web design.


The primary focus is to provide training/teaching sessions that are immediately beneficial to the broadest range of IT professionals in their day-to-day jobs. We accomplish this with over 60 national/international speakers and 90 to 120 75 minute sessions.


The Tulsa TechFest is also a charitable non-profit event that has helped out in the community.  This year they are charging admittance of 2 can or 2 bucks.  All canned food will be donated to the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma and all proceeds will be donated to the Family & Children's Services.

Who is Presenting?

Check out this partial list of speakers for this years events.


For more information and full schedule and tracks listing head on over to http://tulsatechfest.com and don’t forget to register.


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