Dallas TechFest Call For Speakers

Dallas TechFest 2010

If your are interested in speaking, please email speakers@timrayburn.net with the following information:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Up to three abstracts for sessions, 1 paragraph each with a technology area (.NET/Java/CF/PHP/Flex/Ruby/etc) if appropriate.
  • A list of previous events or groups  which you have spoken at, and contact information for at least 1 of those organizers.

This call for speakers will end on March 15th, 2010 and choices will be announced shortly there-after.

This is an awesome event, I highly recommend if you do not speak plan to go.  Last year was awesome and I think this year will be even better.  I am planning on going so let me know if you want to car pool.

WordCamp Fayetteville: May 29, 2010


I just became aware of WordCamp Fayetteville, Arkansas’s first WordPress-related conference.  I am very excited to see this event come to our area.  This is a great opportunity for bloggers in the Northwest Arkansas Area together and learn and share.

The event scheduled for May 29 and 30 in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The main conference will be held Saturday at the Fayetteville Town Center, but don’t miss the ‘unconference’ day Sunday at The New Design School.

You can register for the even here, tickets are $30.

I am contacting the organizers to find out more about the event and what their volunteer needs are.  I will update this post with any new information I find.

I look forward to seeing you at this event.

Tweet Wall – Show event tweets project on the wall.


Last fall I was looking for an application that could display tweets based on a hastag on the wall.  I found HashWall on codeplex and downloaded it immediately.  It worked great but then I got to thinking, this is going to be a corporate event where I work and that it may not be a good idea for tweets to be displayed unfiltered on the wall behind our CIO giving the welcome speech. 

Open source to the rescue, I thought heck this is an open source project I will just download the code put in a bad word filter and away we go.  Slow down there cowboy, it doesn’t always work that way.  The source code on CodePlex didn’t contain the code to perform the Twitter search.  Since I had recently completed Peepster, a one way tweet application, I was ready to take on the challenge.  I grabbed the latest build of TweetSharp and went to town.

I believe in sharing so I took the fully working code and put it back on CodePlex as a fork of the original HashWall project with a few minor updates so that everyone could utilize it.

The short list of updates:

  • Replaced twitter search provider with TweetSharp
  • Added content filtering based on a bad word list
  • Modified SetupDialog to allow user to use a File Open Dialog to browse to alternate background image

Please feel free to check out the code and make it your own.


Take Your Applications Sky High with Cloud Computing and the Windows Azure Platform

The closest event to our location is Dallas, TX on 2/4/2010

Join your local MSDN Events team as we take a deep dive into Cloud Computing and Windows Azure™. We'll start with a developer-focused overview of this new platform and the cloud computing services that can be used either together or independently to build amazing applications. As the day unfolds, we'll explore data storage, SQL Azure, and the basics of deployment with Windows Azure. Register today for these free, live sessions in your local area.

SESSION 1: Overview of Cloud Computing and Windows Azure
The Windows Azure platform is a set of high-performance cloud computing services that can be used together or independently and enable developers to leverage existing skills and familiar tools to develop cloud applications. In this session, we'll provide a developer-focused overview of this new online service computing platform. We'll explore the components, key features and real day-to-day benefits of Windows Azure.

SESSION 2: Survey of Windows Azure Platform Storage Options Durable data storage is a key component of any cloud computing offering. Windows Azure does not disappoint, with three forms of durable storage: tables, blobs, and queues. In this session, we'll explore the highlights of these three important implementations and how to both create and use each form. Because many applications require a relational database, we'll show you how to utilize SQL Azure to store your SQL Server® databases in the cloud. We'll also tackle account names, using Azure data storage for ASP.NET session state, plus scaling and configuration with Windows Azure.

SESSION 3: Going Live with your Azure Solution
Windows Azure features a powerful, yet simple deployment model. By focusing on your application and abstracting away the infrastructure details, you can deploy almost any app with minimal fuss. In this session, we'll walk you through the basics of Windows Azure deployment, including site monitoring, diagnostics and performance issues.

For more information or to register, visit: www.msdnevents.com

Free Technical Resources. Attend an event, and you'll receive a USB drive jammed packed with technical resources hand-picked to supplement the day's sessions.*

Make Blogengine Look good on an iPhone or iPod with BETouch

Recently when I clicked on a link in a tweet from Chris Patters for his blog post Permanent Link to Leveraging Windows 7 Boot to VHD to Test Visual Studio 2010, and was amazed when I hit it from my iPhone and it looked like an iPhone app I HAD to check it out.  Chris is running WordPress and they have an add on called WPTouch that detects if you are coming from a mobile device.

I use Blogengine.net for my  blog and instantly hug my head in sadness thinking that I would not be able to have this for my blog.  Well guess whatjQuery15206932555133893029_1346185809184?? SoundDbbg has created the BETouch 0.1 - iPhone Theme for BlogEngine which is a port of WPTouch theme.

I downloaded it and and installed it on my blog, set BETouch as my mobile theme, but when I hit it from my iPhone it just looked like my regular site.  It should have looked like the image below.

After doing some research I found this Work Item in the BlogEngine.net site that shows how to add iPod and iPhone to the list of known mobile devices.

To make your BlogEngine.net install aware of iPhone and iPod add make the BlogEngine.MobileDevices key in you web.config look like the following.

<add key="BlogEngine.MobileDevices" value="(iphone|ipod|nokia|sonyericsson|blackberry|samsung|sec\-|windows ce|motorola|mot\-|up.b|midp\-)"/>

It all works great now my blog looks very nice and readable on an iPhone.


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